Friday, May 04, 2007

So, Stuff

There is undoubtedly stuff happening. News, memes, effluvia.

None of this makes a spot, even a molecule of difference when your little baby is sick.

I took her, a couple of weeks ago, to a horrible "free intro" mommies and me class that was a complete disaster. Bad course design, completely not age-appropriate (and I was encouraged to bring her after discussing her age and abilities over the phone) and filled with kids twice her age who were not being watched by the reluctant parents who were physically there but mentally checked out.

In addition to all of that, it seemed every other kid in the class was coughing, had a runny nose, or both. There wasn't a lot of contact, but they all held the hands of the instructor (an untrained high school kid) on the trampoline. That's the only time I can think of that she might have gotten exposed to a bunch of nasties that might have led to her ear infection, diagnosed earlier today.

Of course, it might have just been the luck of the draw. I know she has to get sick. Everyone does, and why not build up her immunities now, when she's too young to remember the discomfort? Still, having her cry and sweat her way through the night, her breaths coming in pants in response to her fever is not my idea of a great time.

I'd do anything, anything to have it be me instead.

This is why blogging about anything else seems completely irrelevant, yet you fine people have no reason to be interested in the details of her illness. Therefore, I'll see you guys on the flip side.

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