Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Adding to the Discourse on 'Cool'

I have a wonderful friend who recently insinuated that the Wii is not cool because it is a...wait, let me quote this directly:

...a little, plastic-looking white thing...

I think that probably makes all this crap uncool too:

And that's just what I could grab from the VERY FIRST PAGE of some guy's Flickr set of all of the Apple front pages in recent memory. In fact, the only thing that distressed me at first about the Wii is that it looked like Apple made it.

Now I'm completely confused about what is cool... ::scratches head::


DrHeimlich said...

Oh, well played. :-)

Anonymous said...

Exactly. All of those Apple products you illustrate here are not cool (especially Apple TV, which would not be cool even if it were black).

I have never owned any of them. I currently have a graphite MDD Mac desktop and an aluminum MacBook Pro laptop.

Both of which would be even cooler if they were black. White is for washers and dryers.

Brad said...

I have that mac mini and I'm about as uncool as they come. So, it fits with this uncool ideal ... although that is really a silver box with white top ...

Jason said...

I have to agree that "little, plastic-looking white things" aren't cool. I mean, look at Michael Jackson.