Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's Official, the Airports and Airlines Think That They Run Our Lives

Hey there, Keith, who works for Southwest Airlines?

Who made you the fashion police? Sit down, take a few deep breaths, and STFU. And Southwest, you have no choice but to fire such a buttwipe. So get to it. No half-hearted apologies, no "oh, I didn't know I don't run the world" BS, fire his ass.

This is what happens when you create an environment like the police state that exists in the airports. The people who are there all the time forge an unrealistic view of reality, and you get crap like this. Wake up, realize that your trip to the airport in a car was more dangerous than the actual airport/plane part of your trip, and let's get our heads back out there, huh?

1 comment:

Jason said...

As a man, I of course, think there's nothing wrong with that outfit. Nothing at all.

But yes, I share your indignation.